Buku 9340191105513

Buku IGFA Class Game Mono Line 4000m


Buku IGFA Tournament Mono Line is specifically crafted for anglers competing in tournaments or aiming to set record-breaking catches acknowledged by the International Game Fish Association. This premium monofilament line is exceptionally tough, highly abrasion-resistant, and offers outstanding knot strength.

What sets the Buku IGFA Class Mono Line apart is its ultra-thin diameter, which is much slimmer than standard game lines. This feature allows competitive anglers and trophy hunters to spool significantly more line onto their reels. The added line capacity provides extra time to tackle larger fish, like marlin, before exhausting the reel. To illustrate, the Buku 37kg line has a diameter comparable to a regular IGFA 24kg line, while the Buku 24kg line is similar in diameter to IGFA 15kg line.

The Kryptonite color option is engineered for maximum visibility, a valuable feature when managing multiple lines from the boat. Paired with Buku Agent Orange, it becomes even easier to differentiate between lines in a spread.


- Designed to meet IGFA tournament standards.
- Extremely tough with 6x abrasion resistance.
- Exceptional knot strength.
- Extended spool length.
- Crafted using premium Mitsubishi Japan polymers.
- Available in three color options.