Vexed 9358569010840

Vexed Bottom Meat Hybrid Assist Hook Pink White Glow

PHONE ORDERS (07) 4357 8991

The Vexed Bottom Meat Assist Hooks provide an exceptional addition to your Bottom Meat rig. Crafted with ultra-tough PE assist cord, these hooks are designed to endure the most demanding conditions. What sets them apart is the incorporation of Glow and UV attractants, making them an irresistible lure for fish. High visibility combined with a 3-hook bait presentation allows longer strip baits, whole squid, or octopus legs to be presented effectively. These hooks are an excellent replacement part for your Vexed Bottom Meat, enhancing its effectiveness and appeal.

Vexed Bottom Meat Hybrid Assist Hook Pink White Glow Features

- Designed for use with a Bottom Meat rig
- Bound with robust PE assist cord
- Incorporated Glow and UV for high visibility

Vexed Bottom Meat Hybrid Assist Hook Pink White Glow Specifications

Vexed Bottom Meat Hybrid Assist Hook Pink White Glow 3/0

- Supplier Code: VBMA3/0PHWG
- Hook size: 3/0
- Pack Quantity: 1

Vexed Bottom Meat Hybrid Assist Hook Pink White Glow 4/0

- Supplier Code: VBMA4/0PHWG
- Hook size: 4/0
- Pack Quantity: 1

Vexed Bottom Meat Hybrid Assist Hook Pink White Glow 5/0

- Supplier Code: VBMA5/0PHWG
- Hook size: 5/0
- Pack Quantity: 1

Vexed Bottom Meat Hybrid Assist Hook Pink White Glow 7/0

- Supplier Code: VBMA7/0PHWG
- Hook size: 7/0
- Pack Quantity: 1

Vexed Bottom Meat Hybrid Assist Hook Pink White Glow 9/0

- Supplier Code: VBMA9/0PHWG
- Hook size: 9/0
- Pack Quantity: 1