Sure Catch 8887113031761

Sure Catch Reel Oil 30ml 309SCO

PHONE ORDERS (07) 4357 8991

SureCatch Super Reel Gear Oil. Spinning and Casting Fishing Reel Lubricant. Suitable for the professional or recreational fisherman!

Sure Catch Reel Oil 30ml Features

Sure Catch Reel Oil Lubricant

- Lubricates, penetrates, protects and cleans
- Formulated for Gears, Shafts & Ball Bearings
- Can be used for all types of fishing reels
- Gives your reel maximum corrosion protection
- Regular usage of oil will keep your reel working at peak efficiency
- An exclusive formula made in Belgium for SureCatch

Sure Catch Reel Oil 30ml Specifications

- Volume: 30ml
- Quantity per pack: 1