Jarvis Walker 9312327834468

Jarvis Walker Snapper Sinker Bulk Value Pack

PHONE ORDERS (07) 4357 8991

The Jarvis Walker TecTackle is a must-have item for any angler's tackle box. Sinkers with a snap. Snapper sinkers are the best choice when large amounts of weight are needed to reach the seabed in strong currents or deep water. The best way to use them is with a paternoster rig that is swivelled or ringed and attached to the main line.

Jarvis Walker Snapper Sinker Bulk Value Pack Features

- Snapper shaped sinkers
- Suitable for fishing in deep water or strong currents

Jarvis Walker Snapper Sinker Bulk Value Pack Specifications

Jarvis Walker Snapper Sinker Bulk Value Pack 2oz

- Model: 98500
- Size: 2oz
- Quantity per pack: 12

Jarvis Walker Snapper Sinker Bulk Value Pack 3oz

- Model: 98501
- Size: 3oz
- Quantity per pack: 12