The Dacron Fishing Line Buyers Guide

August 07, 2023 2 min read

The difference between Dacron and braided fishing line

They may look similar, but there are differences that every sportfishing angler should be aware of before spooling their reel.

Dacron is a type of braided line that is slightly thicker than braided fishing line.  It is mainly used as filler, backing or wind-on line because it is cheaper and in some ways inferior to braid.

What are the advantages using of Dacron line?

Dacron fishing line has a thinner diameter than monofilament fishing line, allowing you to load more line onto your fishing reel.

This is especially appealing when fishing for bottom species and need to drop your line hundreds of yards down. Dacron fishing line is also useful when trolling on large game reels.

Braided line in general is less prone to breaking when it becomes snagged. This can be useful if you're fishing for Australian Bass in an area with a lot of weeds.

What are the disadvantages of Dacron line?

While Dacron offers a few advantages and has transformed the way many anglers fish, it also has some significant drawbacks. Dacron rots and must be renewed over time. It can be costly because it is more expensive than monofilament fishing lines. To get the most out of your Dacron line, rinse it in tap water when you arrive home and let it dry completely before storing it.

Another drawback of Dacron is that many anglers find it difficult to tie knots with. Certain knots never seem to become tight and stay tight, which might lead to tackle loss if you are not careful.

Braided Dacron is also noted for having very minimal abrasion resistance.  It has been known to break if it comes into contact with anything jagged or abrasive.

Do I need a leader with Dacron line?

Yes, a braided line leader is always a smart choice for a number of reasons.  When compared to monofilament with the same test grade, braided line is the strongest and takes up significantly less space on your reel.  However, braided line is more noticeable to the fish in the water.  By using a fluorocarbon leader, you reduce the possibility of spooking the fish.

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