Wilson 9312528407478

Wilson Bomb Sinker with Swivel

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The bomb sinker with swivel is the classic sinker used on Paternoster Rigs in relatively shallow water.

The design of the water sinker allows anglers to easily swap sinkers with a dropper tool loop attachment or a clip.The swivel also allows the rig to twist and turn without tangling up the entire bottom end of your line in a tangled mess.

Whiting anglers really like this sinker, while shallow water reef anglers and those fishing double hook rigs in freshwater lakes also appreciate this sinker style.


- Easy swapout of sinkers
- Smooth swivel rotation


- Size: 000
- 11g
- Quantity Per Pack: 4

- Size: 00
- 15g
- Quantity Per Pack: 3

- Size: 0
- 18g
- Quantity Per Pack: 3

- Size: 1
- 28g
- Quantity Per Pack: 2

- Size: 2
- 56g
- Quantity Per Pack: 2